Table of installed packages in R
The need for this is may not be felt by those who usually use R on the same device, but for those who need to shift from time to time, losing the favourite packages can be so heartbreaking!
But not anymore!
And sweet is the view of myPackages!
The look is sleeker if we keep the only the package names with or without priority levels:
sweet<-myPackages[, c(1,4)]
And a pro tip before I let you go:
Run the following command to get the list of packages on clipboard:
library(clipr)sweet$Package <- paste0(sweet$Package, ",")write_clip(as.vector(t(sweet[,1])))
Paste the clipboard text on the address bar of a web browser to get them all in a single line. Remove the last ‘,’ and pour the rest into pacman and enjoy the next migrations with a breeze:
pacman::p_load(abind,accelerometer, . . . . . . ,anytime)